My name is Thomas and I am 10010 years old in binary. I go to school in a building in Lincoln, called the Priory LSST. I am a very nice person and I try not to hurt others.
What I like doing. I like playing tennis once a week. I like sailing and skiing. I also really like gardening and also cutting the grass.
I also like stuff found on the page that says stuff that might be interesting. People who know me from school will all ready know that tho.
The History or Story Behind My Site
I desided to make this web site during the summer holidays of 2002. I throught it would be fun. and it has been If u would like to create your own web site contact me and I will get u started.
My Site
My site has not been made long so there is still more to add. But this is what is here at the moment.
Home Page: A welcome and my guest book
Gardening page: Tips on growing onions garlic and leeks. The eden project.
Electronic Page: My alarm that I mage for GCSE year 2001-02 and will be put here my next project.
Technology Photos: Photos of my alarm and will be here soon my next project.
Greenhouse Intelligence system: This is about my AS technology project, with photos of it.
Stuff that might be intesting: Take a look and see there is to much to write here.
Favorite Link page: My farvorite online games and other sites.
Future technology: Information and a online questionnaire about possible future technology projects.
Spartia: Information and pictures of our holiday, Still underconstruction.
Please send me a message by the form e-mailer
Please feel free to contact me. The success page after it has sent will probabley not make any sence as i have not customised it yet. Please type your really E-Mail address in the mail box as it gets confused if the box says E-mail. If your do not put your really name and E-mail address in it will not be able to send to me so please do. Thank you. If you want me to reply to you u must tell me who you are in the form below.
Have you signed my guessed book yet?
If you have not you can either sign it now or if u wish to sign it at the end of visiting my site return to the home page afterwards. Click here to sign my guessed book
Please fell free also to send me a message above just fill in the boxes and press send.